With Justice's return to us on Sunday, and her subsequent meloncholly when her father and his fiancee left, we redeployed our efforts to make certain everyone was moving forward.
I called our new social worker, Nancy Souza, to see follow up from the call previously, where we agreed she would contact me the next week. That was two weeks ago.
I haven't yet relegated Nancy to the same status as our last stumbling block,
Social Worker Dayle Kline, but I'm getting closer. I left a message, which to date hasn't been returned.
The next call I received in this saga was from Lil, saying that "an assistant" to Nancy had met with Justice and told her that Nancy was no longer her social worker.
A year ago, this might have sent me into a rage to rival that of a hundred-thousand Hulks. This was just another blip, since it's happened before and I figured was likely to happen again. Probably sooner than we could place bets.
I called a supervisor who had helped out previously, and she got me in touch with Nancy's supervisor, and gave me all the information I needed. Nancy was moving positions, but because our case had been handed around like a village bicycle she would keep the case with her. That may or may not be good news.
Nancy also had, apparently, made several calls to the therapist in order to get the letter needed to help file the interim
ex patre-legaleeze-thingamajig. That's a bit odd, I thought, since the therapist had been more than helpful, flexible, and had even suggested that Justice was ready for the move.
Taking Justice to the therapist Monday fell to me, so I gathered up the information needed for the letter, and discussed it.
"That's odd," the therapist said. "I haven't received any calls."
"Hmmm . . . they said she'd called a number of times and didn't get a response. Maybe she was calling the wrong number."
In truth, I'm more willing to believe that Nancy hadn't called at all, and was simply CYA-ing herself. Perhaps I'm bitter, jaded and otherwise disguntled with the system.
Or maybe I'm just used to the incompetant status quo.