Collect Call From "Wehaddababy Eetsaboy"!
Wednesday, September 26th, 4:53pm
Height: 20 inches
Weight: 6lbs 15ozs
APGAR: 8 at 1 minute, 9 at 5 minutes
Mother and child are doing fine.
Father is running off 36 hours of no sleep.
God has a sense or humor. It's not always sick, as Depeche Mode would have us believe. Sometimes it's downright hi-frickin'-larious . . . but only if you're on the outside looking in. Parenthood is an impending doom, a miracle we fear to tred, and those who do so lightly are at their peril.
Wednesday, September 26th, 4:53pm
Saturday it rained.
Lil is still "long and high" or "high and long" or "long and deep". I can never remember the actual terms. Something to do with football, I think, or maybe it's baseball.