Yesterday's Scrum
Scrum: (skr-um) n.:
A. A play in Rugby in which the two sets of forwards mass together around the ball and, with their heads down, struggle to gain possession of the ball.
B. A disordered or confused situation involving a number of people.
Yesterday I received something of a panicked called from our new social worker, Jonah. Yeppers, just like the prophet who was swallowed by a minnow or sardine or something! Now, panicked for Jonah, who has a heavy African (I’m not certain what country) accent goes something like this:
Jonah (deep, resonant, paced voice): I am very sorry to be troubling you like this Mr. McCandless.
Me: That’s alright. What can I do for you?
Jonah: Well, you see, I’m in something of a predicament and I’m hoping you can help.
Jonah: Well, you see, the mother of Justice called and is now here and wants to see her.
Me: Alright.
[longer pause]
Jonah: Well, you see, I need to know where Justice is right now.
Me: She’s at school.
Jonah: What time will she be getting home?
Me: I think she’s off school around 3, and my wife picks her up some time after that.
Jonah: Ahh, yes. Very good.
[even longer pause]
Jonah: Well, you see, the mother of Justice called and is now here and wants to see her.
[still longer pause]
It’s not that Jonah is dense. At least, I don’t think he’s dense. It’s hard to say with the Department of Child Support Services. Our last social worker was an interesting piece of work. I’m sure her heart was in the right place, at least I hope it is and is now causing her to choke slowly and painfully to death. I’m sure that he’s read the file and I’m sure that our last social worker noted that we were “difficult” and that I, in particular, was “inflammatory” and “angry with such intensity that it would cool the fire of a thousand suns.”
I might be exaggerating a little.
But not Jonah. He’s a very calm, quick to respond, and clearly dedicated gentleman. He also makes Arnold Schwarzenegger look small and powerless by comparison. Not the current version of the Govenator either, but the early, young, vibrant Arnold that played in Conan the Barbarian:
Mongolian Type Warlord: Jonah, what is best in life?
Jonah: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women.
So I’m pretty certain that Jonah doesn’t often worry about Thulsa Doom-type foster parents aggravating him.
The doubled-edged broadsword he carries on his back also seemed to make that rather clear.
No, I think that Jonah just likes to move at a particular pace all his own, and let those he’s speaking to feel smarter than him by arriving at the conclusion that he is patiently driving towards.
So, Justice’s mother, Carmen, had come into town from Las Vegas for her monthly visit; the same monthly visit that she hasn’t been to since . . . well, since before Lil and I took Justice into our home back in September. Carmen has had her rights to Justice’s three little brothers severed by the state so that adoption can move forward under Rosaleen. But since Justice’s biological father (not the boys’ father), Reggie has shown up, the case has been broken into two until Reggie’s petition for custody of Justice can be determined.
The next court date is set for July 6th.
This means that Carmen still has the right to request to see her daughter.
That’s not something we want to deny her for all manner of reasons, but for the most important reason of all, Justice. Jonah patiently explained to me that this is likely the last time that Justice will be able to see her mother for many years. The next court date should determine custody of Justice and the next steps for her. That will either be adoption by us, or placement with her biological father.
So we madly dashed, scummed, juked, jivved and made all the arrangements yesterday to make certain that Carmen, who in my estimation hasn’t done a whole helluva lot that’s in the best interests of Justice, could see her daughter one more time; promise that she was doing everything necessary to get Justice back one more time, and generally break a little girl’s heart one more time.